
If you’ve been injured after a slip and fall accident, there are steps you should take immediately after it happens to protect your rights. The first thing is that you should contact a slip and fall attorney. A slip and fall lawyer can help you file a claim with the appropriate insurance company and ensure your case gets filed on time so you don’t lose any legal recourse or rights. You should also preserve the evidence of your fall in case it becomes necessary to pursue legal action, including documenting the scene of your accident so that you can remember exactly what happened and how and seeking prompt medical attention for any injuries suffered in the fall.

Contact a premises liability attorney

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident, it’s important to talk with an attorney before making any decisions about your claim. A good slip and fall lawyer will be able to tell you whether or not there are steps that need to be taken in order – such as complying with the slip and fall statute of limitations – for them to pursue legal action against whoever was responsible for your injuries.

Preserve the evidence of your fall in case it becomes necessary to pursue legal action

  • Take pictures of the scene. The more information you can provide to your slip and fall lawyer, the better. If there were witnesses to your fall, get their contact information so that they can testify in court. If there are any nearby security cameras or other recording devices that captured footage of what happened (and it’s not too late), try contacting them and asking if they would be willing to share that footage with you and/or your attorney.
  • Take pictures of your injuries as soon as possible after a slip and fall accident occurs. Make sure someone else takes photographs from different angles so it’s clear how severe these injuries were from the outset.

See a doctor to get medical care and treatment for any injuries suffered in the fall

Get examined by a doctor right away after a slip and fall accident. The doctor will assess your injuries and start treating them. In some cases, you may need surgery or other treatment beyond what the emergency room can provide. Doctors often prescribe pain medication to help with pain management.

If you have any questions about whether or not something is covered by insurance, ask your lawyer before paying for anything out of pocket!

Document the scene of your slip and fall accident so that you can remember exactly what happened and how

First, take pictures of the area where the slip and fall accident occurred. Second, make a video recording of the scene so that others can see exactly how the conditions caused your slip and fall accident. Thirdly, get witness statements and incident reports to get other people’s accounts of how you were injured.

If you’re injured in a slip and fall accident, there are steps you should take immediately after it happens to protect your rights

If possible, call 911 and get medical attention after a slip and fall accident. If possible, also contact a personal injury attorney who can help with any legal issues that arise from your accident.

If possible (and if the slip and fall accident scene is safe), preserve evidence of your fall by photographing or videotaping everything around where it happened. This will help later to determine who was responsible for causing the accident that led to your injuries at work or home.

If possible (and if safe), see doctors as soon as possible after a slip and fall accident so they can document their findings from examining you after being injured during an event like this one!


Slip and fall accidents can be very serious, especially if they result in broken bones or other injuries. If you’re injured in a slip and fall accident, there are steps you should take immediately after it happens to protect your rights. You should contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible so that they can help guide you through this difficult process and make sure that you receive compensation for any damages suffered.

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